The verbs of two words, are words that are made up of an action + a preposition and they can have one or more meanings.
There are them of two classes:
The detachable ones and the inseparable ones.
1) The detachable: they are those that a person of the predicate can be put (object pronoun), amid the action and the preposition.
Call up = telefonear.
Call them up = telefonéales.
Call off = cancelar, suspender.
Call it off = cancélalo.
Fill out = llenar.
Fill the application out = llena la solicitud.
Fill (someone) in on = poner a alguien al corriente de.
Fill me in on what you are doing = ponme al corriente de lo que tu estas haciendo.
Give up = abandonar, cesar, rendirse, darse por vencido.
If you find a job, you mustnot give up working soon.
Leave out = excluir, omitir.
Look up = buscar (algo en un escrito, diccionario o libro).
Pick out = escoger, seleccionar.
Put on = vestirse o encender algo.
Pick up = recoger, levantar.
Put out = poner afuera o apagar (un fuego).
Turn on = poner algo en operación, prender (luces o motor).
Turn off = apagar (un motor o luces).
Turn down = rechazar, reducir.
Turn out = apagar (luz, fuego o gas).
Turn out to be = resultar ser.
Turn over = voltear (un objeto o persona).
Turn around = voltear (de rotar la cabeza, objeto, etc).
Try on = probar (la ropa, idea, etc..)
Cheer up = animarse, ponerse alegre.
Hand over = entregar, ceder algo a alguien.
Hand in = entregar (papeles).
Do over = repetir, hacerlo otra vez.
Give out = distribuir.
Give back = regresar, darle de regreso algo a alguien.
Keep up = mantener, continuar haciendo algo.
Look over = examinar o mirar por encima.
Make up = inventar, reconciliar.
Put off = posponer.
Figure out = entender, calcular, resolver mentalmente.
Talk over = discutir.
Bring back = traer algo de vuelta.
Head for = dirigirse hacia.
Give away = regalar.
Take over = tomar posesión de, conquistar, dominar.
Take after = parecerse a.
Take away = quitar, remover, llevarse.
Take down = note down = tomar nota, anotar.
Cut down = reducir.
Think over = considerar (algo).
Hold on = demorar, aguantar (un peso, situación, etc...).
Take up = usar, ocupar.
Show off = presumir.
Show up = resaltar, aparecer.
Come across = tropezar con, encontrarse con.
Blow out = extinguir, descontar.
The inseparable: they are those that the action and the preposition meetings always go and they cannot separate, that is to say, the object pronoun always puts on after the preposition.
Run out of = quedarse sin, extinguirse, acabarse.
My car run out of gas = mi carro se quedo sin gasolina = my car run out of it.
Look for = buscar.
I was looking for you all over the place = yo estuve buscándote por todo el lugar.
Call on = visitar, llamar.
Come back = venir de regreso.
Go back = ir de regreso.
Go on = continuar, pasar.
Look around = mirar alrededor.
Go over = checar, ir por.
Look out! = ten cuidado!.
Make sure of = verificar, asegurarse de.
Fight over = competir.
Dig up = desenterrar.
Get alone with = llevarse bien con.
Find out = investigar, encontrar, hallar.
Pay off = pagar de vuelta, dar resultado.
To carry out = cumplir, llevar a cabo (con un plan, ordenes).
Take off = despegar, desvestirse.
Fall down = caerse, derrumbarse.
Fall off = caerse (de una superficie superior, a otra inferior).
Blow out = extinguir, apagar (luz o fuego).
Roll up = enrollar.
Go into = ir dentro de, ir a.
Show up = aparecer.
Get on = subirse, montarse (a un camión, caballo, bicy, moto).
Get off = bajarse.
Get in = meterse (en un carro, casa, etc).
Get out of = salirse de.
Run over = atropellar.
Run away = huir.
Set up = establecer, fijar, arreglar, preparar.
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