jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

English grammatical structures PART 1

1.- Prefixes- Suffixes
2.- Qualifying adjectives
3.- Cognates and false cognates
4.- Verb two words

Prefixes- Suffixes

Prefixes: As prefix is the integral portion of and object with a distinct and reaused meaning that modifies the meaning of whole object.

List of Prefixes:
-After: behind, later. Detrás de, después.

* Aftercare, care as of a patient, after an operation.

Vigilancia postoperatoria, cuidado de un paciente, después de una operación.

* Afterglow, the glow in the sky after sunset.

Afterglow La luz en el cielo después del ocaso.

*Afternoon, the period after noon or midday.

Tarde, el periodo después del mediodía o mediodía

-Be: Completely, thoroughly, with intensive force. Completamente, completamente, con fuerza intensiva.

*Befitting, thoroughly appropriate or suitable.

Conviniendo, completamente apropiado o conveniente.

*Befogged, in a deep fog; thoroughly confused.

Befogged, en una niebla profunda,; completamente desconcertado.

*Befriend, to become a friend to.

Favorezca, para hacerse un amigo de alguien.

*Belated, very late.

Tardío, muy tarde.

*Bemoan, to lament greatly.

Lamentable, para lamentar grandemente.

-By: near, suggesting secondary importance. Cerca de, importancia secundaria.

*By-line a news- story line giving the writer name.

Pie de línea en noticias, línea de la historia que da el nombre del escritor.

*Bypath, a secondary path. Un camino secundario.

*By product, something made incidentally, not the main product. algo hizo a propósito

*Bystander, an onlooker who is not involved in the action.

Espectador, un personaje que no está envuelto en la acción.

-En: It acts the noun that accompanies, increasing positively it means to put in state of (in the sense that indicates the noun):

*Large/enlarge = grande/agrandar

*danger/endanger = peligro/poner en peligro

*force/enforce = fuerza/esfuerzo


In a small area, they have over half of Europe"s endangered wild animal species = En una pequeña área, ellos sobrepasan mitad de las especies peligrosas de animales salvajes de Europa

-Mis: Wrong or wrongly. Malo o mal.

*Misbehave, to act wrongly. de actuar mal.

*Misconception, a wrong understanding.

Concepto erróneo, una comprensión mala.

*Misdeed a wrongful action.

Fechoría una acción injusta

*Misdemeanor, a wrong act; a petty violation of the law.

Delito menor, un acto malo,; una violación pequeña de la ley.

*Misinterpret, to interpret wrongly.

Interprete mal, de interpretar mal.

*Mispronounced, to make and error in pronunciation.

Mal Pronunciado, se usa en error de pronunciación.

*Misunderstand, to get the wrong idea from.

Mal Entendido.

-Over significa sobre, demasiado, excesivo, más de:

*charge/overcharge = carga/sobrecarga

*time/overtime = tiempo,vez/horas extras, sobre tiempo

*heat/overheat = calor/sobrecalentamiento

*grown/overgrown = crecer/sobrecrecer

*all/overall = todo/sobretodo, abrigo

*paid/overpaid = pagar/sobre pago

*pass/overpass = paso/paso elevado

*sleep/oversleep = dormir/dormir demasiado


Overall, how satisfied are you with the handling of this particular case? = ¿En general, cómo satisfecho están ustedes con el manejo de este caso particular?

-Para: para, parejo a

*medic/paramedic = médico/paramédico

*tifoide/paratifoide = tiroide/paratiroide

*olympic/paraolympic = olímpico/paraolímpic


*He is paramedic = El es paramédico

-Sub: it means under, I lower of. He/she has the same meaning that the prefix Under:

*way/subway = vía/vía subterránea

*marine/submarine = marino/submarino

*contract/subcontract = contrato/subcontrato

*total/subtotal = total/subtotal

*machine-guns/sub-machine-guns =ametralladora/subametralladora

*title/subtitle = título/subtítulo

*normal/subnormal = normal/subnormal

*conscious/subconscious = consciente/subconsciente

*heading/subheading = encabezaminto/subencabezamiento

*sequent/subsequent = serie/subserie

*committee/subcommittee = comité/subcomite


Russian submarines with nuclear weapons were under attack by US destroyers = Submarinos rusos con armas nucleares estaban bajo ataque de destructores Estado Unidenses

A subsequent round of talks = una subsecuente ronda de conversaciones

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, chairwoman of the subcommittee = Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, presidenta del subcomité

-un: not, removal, absence. no, quite, ausencia

*Uncertain, not sure.

Incierto, no seguro.

*Undo, to reverse (an action); to Cancel or Annul.

Deshaga, para invertir (una acción); Cancelar o Anular.

*Unfold, to open or unwrap (something folded); to reveal.

Despliegue, abrir o desenvolver (algo plegó); para revelar.

*Unhappy, not happy.


*Unhealthy, not healthy.

Enfermo, no saludable.

Suffixes: in grammar, a suffix or ending is an affix which is placed at the end of a word. Common examples are cased endings, which indicate the grammatical case of nouns or adjectives, and verb endings, which form the conjugation of verb.

List of suffixes:
-able, ible.

*to drink/drinkable = beber/bebible

*to reason/reasonable = razonar/rasonable

*to enjoy/enjoyable = disfrutar/disfrutable

*to remove/removable = remover/removible

*to believe/believable = creer/creíble

*to explain/explainable = explicar/inexplicable


Reasonable words can stop a fight and bring peace between people = Palabras razonables pueden detener una lucha y traer paz entre personas

An American company makes these removable gold teeth = Una compañía Americana hacen removibles estos dientes color de oro

An unexplainable silence will stop conversation = un inexplicable silencio puede paralizar (la) conversación

This is a story believable = este es un cuento creíble

-cal: It transforms nouns into adjectives. Nouns finished in c only add the one. It means ico, ica Convierte sustantivos en adjetivos. Sustantivos terminados en c solamente agrega al. Significa ico, ica

*alphabet/alphabetical = alfabeto/alfabético(ica)

*medic/medical = médico/médico (a)

*music/musical = música/músico(a)

*technology/technological = técnología/tecnológico(a)

*magic/magical = magia/mágico(a)

*ideology/ideological = ideología/ideológico(a)


Some medical research which could interest = alguna investigación médica que podría interesar

I have the musical history of the West = Hoy tengo la historia musical del oeste

There are two main chemicals in the body, testosterone and oestrogen, that make people feel lust = Hay 2 principales químicos en el cuerpo, testosterona y oestrogen, que hacen a la gente sentir lujuria

The magical solution = La solución mágica

-dom: state, condition, occupation. El estado, condición, ocupación

*Freedom, the condition of being free.

Libertad, la condición de ser libre.

Kingdom, a state ruled by a king.

Reino, un estado gobernado por un rey.

*Officialdom, the occupation of being an official; a group of offcials.

Burocracia, la ocupación de ser oficial; un grupo de oficiales.

*Wisdom, the condition of being wise.

Sabiduría, la condición de ser sabio.

-Ful it is added to nouns to form nouns and adjectives. they meanes ada, ado, ido, oso :

*wonder/wonderful = maravilla/maravilloso

*color/colorful = color/colorido

*spoon/spoonful = cuchara/cucharada

*fright/frightful = miedo/miedoso

*beauti/beautiful = bello/hermoso

*peace/peaceful = paz/pacífico

*Power/Powerful = poder/poderoso

*respect/respectful = respeto/respetuoso

*Mercy/Mercyful = misericordia/misericordioso

*Truth/Truthful = verdad/verdadero


They are frightful = Ellos estan temerosos

Mexico has many wonderful building = Méjico tiene mucho edificio maravilloso

We will visit one of the most beautiful cities there = Nosotros podremos visitar una de las más maravillosas ciudades aquí

-en: to cause, to be (something) para causar, para ser (algo)

*Brighten, to make bright.

Aclare, para hacer luminoso.

*Frighten, to produce fright in.

Asuste, para producir miedo.

*Fasten, to make fast or firm; to attach.

Ate, para hacer rápidamente; para atar

*Quicken, to make quick; to speed up.

Vivifique, para hacer rápido; para acelerar

*Strengthen, to make strong.

Fortalezca, para hacer fuerte.

-er: an agent, or one whose work involves action; a resident. Agente, o uno cuyo trabajo involucra acción; un residente

Baker, one who bakes.

Panadero, uno que hace pan

New Yorker, a resident of New York City or state.

Neoyorquino, un residente de Ciudad de Nueva York o Estado.

Player, one who plays (a game); one who acts in a play.

Jugador, uno que juega (un juego); uno que actúa en una obra

Reporter, one who reports (news)

Reportero, uno que informa (noticias)

Singer, one who sings.

Cantante, uno que canta.

-Ly: This suffix allows transform a qualifying adjective or a noun in an adverb, adding the meaning mentions. The adjectives finished in him simply change the and for and; those finished in ly, convert the and in i and he/she is added ly; to those finished in ue they change the and in ly; to those finished in ll they only add and; those finished in ue change the and for ly.

*bad/badly = malo/malamente

*open/openly = abierto/abiertamente

*clear/clearly = claro, claramente

*cold/coldly = frío/friamente

*violent/violently = violento/violentamente

*slow/slowly = lento/lentamente

*quick/kuickly = rápido/rapidamente

*deep/deeply = profundo/profundamente

*free/freely = libre/libremente

*wise/wisely = sabio/sabiamente

*sure/surely = seguro/seguramente

*lone/lonely = sólo/solitario o solamente

*private/privately = privado, privadamente

*intelligent/intelligently = inteligente/inteligentemente

*possible/possibly = posible/posiblemente

*probable/probably = probable/probablemente

*simple/simply = simple/simplemente

*terrible/terribly = terrible/terriblemente

*normal/normally = normal/normalmente

*eternal/eternally = eterno/eternamente

*heavy/heavily = pesado/pesadamente

*easy/easily = fácil/fácilmente

*happy/happily = alegre/alegremente

*merry/merrily = alegre/alegremente

*funny/funnily = cómico/cómicamente

*true/truly = verdadero/verdaderamente


Easily lose weight = fácilmente pierda peso

Currently single? = regularmente solo?

This afected Alexander Fleming greatly = Esto afectó grandemente a Alexander Fleming

They know how to act nicely = Ellos saben como actuar simpáticamente

-Ness we transform qualifying adjectives into nouns. But if the adjective finishes in and this is changed by the i before being added the suffix. It means you give, eza.

*Sick/sickness = enfermo/enfermedad

*Dark/darkness = oscuro/oscuridad

*sad/sadness = triste/tristeza

*Happy/happiness= feliz/felicidad

*great/greatness = gran/grandeza

*Ill/ilness = enfermo/enfermedad

*Same/sameness = igual/igualdad

*Lone/loneness = sólo/soledad

*Polite/politeness = cortés/cortesía

*Blind/blindness = ciego/ceguera


It is common for people to express both joy and sadness = Es común para la gente expresar ambos alegría y tristeza.

People who want real happiness must first be sad = (La) gente quien quiere felicidad real debe primero estar triste.

Children need to learn how to prevent illness = (Los) niños necesitan aprender a prevenir (la) enfermedad.

The greatness of God = La grandeza de Dios.

Sarajevo residents reacted with sadness to the news of Alija Izetbegovic's death = residentes (de) Sarajevo reaccionaron con tristeza a las noticias de la muerte de Alija Izetbegovic.

She is in the middle of the darkness = ella esta en medio de la oscuridad.

The people said that Celestine's sickness was caused by his bad ways = Las personas dijeron que la enfermedad de Celestina es causada por sus malas maneras.

-Tion: it means cion, or, it allows to transform verbs in nouns, chord to the following guide: Verbs finished in the consonant t, simply add ion; the finished verbs tie, ute, eliminates the and and they add ion; the verbs finished in the vowel and that it is not ate/ute part, they change the and for to and they are added tion.

*to educate/education = educar/educación

*to pollute/pollution = contaminar/contaminacion

*to direct/direction = dirigir/dirección

*to invent/invention = inventar/invención

*to present/presentation = presentar/presentación

*to react/reaction = reaccionar/reacción

*to attract/attraction = atraer/atracción

*to act/action = actuar/acción

*to imagine/imagination = imaginar/imaginación

*to operate/operation = funcionar/funcionamiento

*to organize/organization = organizar/ organizacion

*to situate/situation = situar/situación

*to distribute/distribution = distribuir/distribución

*to determine/Determination = determinar/determinacion

*to observe/observation = observar/observación


There is a problem with pollution = hay un problema con (la) contaminación

There is an organization called UNESCO, but more than one hundred and twenty million children still do not have the chance at a

good education : ¿ Why ? = Hay una organización llamada UNESCO, pero más de 120 millones de niños todavia no tienen la oportunidad a una buena educación : Por qué?

All talk about determination = todos hablan acerca de la determinación

U.S. has always sought the participation of the international community in Iraq = Estados Unidos siempre tienen que buscar la participación de la comunidad internacional en Iraq

The people of China mark the end of their New Year with another celebration the lantern festival = Las personas de China marcan el fin de su Nuevo año con otra celebración la fiesta de la linterna

-y: it is used in English with 3 purposes: It is added to nouns to transform them into adjectives and to express likeness or to indicate abundance. And in case a noun concludes in and it converts the and simply in and. it Means ado, bear and it rarely means able; Used to obtain the diminutive, for the effect if it concludes in consonant this he/she repeats. it means ito, ita.

*water/watery = agua/acuoso

*anger/angry = enojo/enojado

*noise/noisy = ruido/ruidoso

*hair/hairy = pelo/peludo

*silk/silky = seda/sedoso

*milk/milky = leche/lechoso

*rain/rainy = lluvia/lluvioso

*rock/rocky = roca/rocoso

*health/healty = salud/saludable

*dad/daddy = papá/papito

*mom/mommy = mamá/mamita

*Joe/Joey = Pepe/Pepito

*John/Johnny = Juan/Juanito

*Rose/Rosey = Rosa/Rosita

*horse/horsey = caballo/caballito

*dog/doggy = perro/perrito


The weather is rainy = El estado del tiempo está lluvioso

A healthy person is a happy person = Una persona saludable es una persona feliz

-Th: agregado a números cardinales nos permite obtener números ordinales. Y agregado a verbos le imprime un sentido potivo.

*five/fifth = cinco/quinto

*ten/tenth = diez/décimo

*seven/seventh = siete/séptimo

*eleventh/eleventh= once/undécimo

*sixteen/sixteenth = diez y seis/dicimo sexto

*million/millionth = millon/millonésima


I'm the seventh and you the tenth = Yo soy el séptimo y tú el décimo

Nineteenth-century writer Jane Austen is one of the best-known writers in the English-speaking world = Jane Austenis escritor del siglo XIX es uno de los escritores mejores conocidos en el mundo de habla inglesa

He received the two hundred and fifty millionth dose = El recibió la doscientos cincuenta millonésima dosis

Mrs Kamato Hongo celebrated her one hundred and sixteenth birthday in September, two thousand and three = La señora Kamato Hongo celebró su ciento décimosexto cumpleaños en septiembre de 2003

-ish: he/she is added to nouns to form adjectival and this way to indicate likeness or attenuation. If the noun finishes in and it changes the and for i and he/she is added sh. If the noun concludes in and it conserved it and he/she is added ish. If the noun finishes in consonant he/she is simply added ish to obtain the adjective

*woman/womanish = mujer/como mujer, mujeril

*boy/boyish = niño/como niño

*white/whitish = blanco/blancuzco

*monk/monkish = monje/monacal, frailesco

*spain/spanish = España/español


The British system = El sistema Británico

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